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At least 41 people have been killed after a boat capsized off the coast of Tunisia

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According to foreign media, the passengers were trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Tunisia to reach the Italian island when their boat capsized, resulting in the drowning of 41 people.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has confirmed the incident, saying it has received reports of a boat sinking in southeastern Tunisia.

   Tunisia's National Coast Guard says a child was among those drowned and all bodies were recovered, while the National Guard rescued three people.

   The Tunisian Civil Protection Service says the sinking ship left the Tunisian coastal city on Thursday.

   According to media reports, 39 migrants from the same city were also killed in the sinking last month, while a similar accident took place in June last year in which 60 people were killed when the boat sank.

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