1- Jackie Chan
Famous actor Jackie Chan says, "If he is able, he will make money on his own, and if he is not able, he will waste my money." Instead of giving his total wealth to his son Jessie, Intended to do charity.
2- Mark Zuckerberg
"We want you to thrive in a better world than ours. We will do our part, not just because we love you, but because Because we have a moral responsibility for all the children of the next generation. "Mark and his wife want to donate their 84 84 billion to a charity instead of giving it to their children.
3- Bill Gates
Bill Gates has amassed a fortune of 2 112 billion. "It's not in the best interest of the children to be left with so much wealth that they become useless instead of making their own way," he said.
World-renowned singer
Elton John says he will die leaving only enough money for his children to live on while donating the rest of his property.