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Iran| New elected president | announces no meeting | US president


Tehran: Iran's newly elected President Ibrahimi Raisi has announced that he will not meet with US President Joe Biden. He said that Iran wants to strengthen relations with neighboring countries, including Saudi Arabia.

US President Joe Biden will not meet. He said Iran wants to strengthen ties with neighboring countries, including Saudi Arabia. "Iran also wants to talk to the world, but I will not meet with Biden in person," he said.

   According to international media, the first press conference of the newly elected Iranian president was attended by many international and international media representatives and asked questions.

   President-elect Brahimi Raisi said the United States must return to the nuclear deal of 2015 and keep its promises.

   In his first press conference, the Iranian president said Europe should not be swayed by US pressure and should live up to its obligations under the nuclear deal. This is what the Iranian nation wants from you.

   President Ibrahim Raisi said the United States must lift all sanctions on Iran, return to the nuclear deal and deliver on its promises.

   He said the United States should respond to the world and stand by its responsibilities and lift all cruel sanctions on Iran.

   Iran's nuclear plant shuts down

   According to Israel's leading newspaper, the Times of Israel, Iran's newly elected president has made it clear that he will not meet with the US president, will not discuss the ballistic missile system and will support proxies.

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